
Starter Pack includes: Oil Well, Vehicle and Plant


Circulation: 10,000 each

Rarity: All common

Price: $10 each pack

How to buy: In game store

NFT or not: Yes

Can be traded: Yes

Can be upgraded: Yes

Portable: Yes

Will there be rare equipment: Yes

At the beginning, the equipment will be stored on the official server, and the trade market will not be open.

In the middle stage, the equipment is upgraded to NFT and the trade market is opened.

Oil Well

Drilling down. When a pipeline touches an oil field, it transports the oil upward. Oil wells can temporarily store small amounts of oil that will be used in the event of a spill.


Discovery of the location of the underground oil field


Workers travel to oil wells, load oil into trucks, and transport it to factories. Sells the oil at the prevailing price, thus exchanging it for a bill profit.


Places where oil is sold for profit and prices fluctuate randomly.


Temporary storage of extra oil. It is preferable to wait for good prices at the plant before transporting for sale.

Last updated