Oil Extraction

Playing Ideas

In the limited time you have, place the equipment, drill down, find the oil field and transport it up. Wait for a good factory price and sell it. Try to earn more before the end of the game to get to the top of the leaderboard.

Treasure chest

In addition to the oil fields, there are also treasure chests scattered around the ground. When the pipe passes by, you can grab it and put it in your backpack.

Open the treasure chest to get various resources and props to help you get better results.

Drill bit wear

As the level gets harder, there are more rocks underground. The drill bit will wear out when it hits a rock, making it impossible to continue drilling.

Spending a small amount of Petro Coins can restore the durability of the drill bit, but drilling around rocks is a better option!


You can get props by opening treasure chests or shops. The props can speed up your wagon in the game, pump oil faster, factory prices, etc.

Proper use of props will greatly improve your mining efficiency, allowing you to get maximum profit with minimum consumption.

Last updated